What Happens to Your Body on Ketosis? health jacob andreae keto ketogenic diet ketosis life coach nutrition weight loss wellness Dec 18, 2018

Over the past four articles, I’ve spoken a lot about the Ketogenic Diet. What it is, the benefits of it, the different types and even how it works. Today, I’m going to wrap this series up by explaining what exactly happens to your body when you follow the Ketogenic Diet -...

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How Does the Keto Diet Work? food health jacob andreae keto diet ketosis life coach nutrition weight loss Dec 10, 2018

I’ve introduced you to the Keto Diet over the past few particles. I’ve described what it is, how it can benefit you and explained the different types. But how does it actually work? How do you work out 75% fat? How do you determine 1 gram of protein for every kilogram of...

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Different Types of Ketogenic Diets food health jacob andreae keto diet ketogenic diet ketosis life coach nutririon weight loss Dec 04, 2018

The articles I’ve written recently have introduced you to the Ketogenic Diet and its benefits. You may be surprised to know that there are actually different types of the Ketogenic Diet, all used for different reasons. In this article, I’m going to introduce you to these different...

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The Ketogenic Diet: How and Why does it Work? diet fat loss human body keto ketosis nutrition science the ketogenic diet weight loss Mar 12, 2018

To say this diet has taken the health and fitness industry by storm is an understatement. There have been many diets that have been promoted as the best diet EVER over my fifteen years in the industry — Mediterranean and Paleo come to mind, but I don’t think any of them have had as...

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