My 3-Step System for Overcoming Injury to Maximise Performance fitness injury performance Jul 17, 2023

I’m interested in seeing what you offer and how I can benefit from a tailored program. I’ve had 5 knee surgeries in the past, including 2 knee reconstructions on each knee. I lead an active lifestyle and train about 6 days a week; however, I’ve recently felt a slump in my...

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The Power of Fasting fasting health lifestyle mental clarity nutrition performance Mar 16, 2020

Fasting has been a part of religious practice for thousands of years. But in the past five years, it received mainstream popularity on the back of animal studies showing that skipping meals had health benefits in those who are overweight.


I started intermittent fasting following the 16:8...

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Increase Your Performance Through Awareness lifestyle organisation performance May 25, 2015

Our lives are busier and more complicated than ever before. It is desirable in the workplace to exhibit a strong work ethic and your opportunities can depend on it. However, we cannot sustain a high level of awareness, without allowing ourselves to experience lower levels of awareness on a...

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